How To Make Money Operating A Cold Room Business in Nigeria

Posted on March 26, 2020

How To Make Money Operating A Cold Room Business in Nigeria

There is no doubt that the food industry is among the most lucrative in Nigeria. Did you know
you could make good money from operating your own cold room in Nigeria? Yes! So far, the
country has both small scale and large scale cold room operators who make great profits.

To join this money making venture, there are some important things that you might want to know. Here
are tips on how to make money operating a cold room business in Nigeria:

Invest A Considerable Amount of Capital

To make money, you will need money. This is where capital comes in. It is worth noting that
cold room business basically entails refrigeration and preservation of food for sale. This alone
requires amenities and resources such as a warehouse and refrigerators. Not to mention the
registration fees of the business, and the establishment of the cold room itself. In this view, it is
clear that you will require a considerable amount of capital to have your business running. You
would not want to face inconveniences or even a shutdown due to lack of the necessary

On-Demand Products Are The Best

It is important to have a business mind when establishing a cold room. This implies that at no
juncture should you be ready to go at a loss. Although some of the occurrences in businesses
prompt losses unwarranted, you have the obligation to mitigate such. One of the ways of doing
so is by focusing on on-demand products. These are the kind of products that have a high
demand in the market and move rather faster as compared to others. Dealing with such products
gives you a competitive advantage, in the sense that you will be in a position to establish a strong

brand and domination in the market quite fast. This goes concurrently with increase and growth
in profits for your business.

Be On The Right Side of The Law

Anyone who has ever conflicted with the law when it comes to business can confirm how
frustrating the experience can be. In fact, it is possible to lose all your investments or even close
down your business for lack of compliance with the government provisions. In this regard, you
must make sure that you have fully complied with the government provisions, including
obtaining the respective letters of operation and meeting the standards required for consumables.

Capitalize on Deliveries

One of the strategies used in luring clients is offering delivery services. Whether in small
quantities or bulk, deliveries are always seen as a point of convenience in Cold Room businesses.
In this case, you might want to invest in a delivery van equipped with refrigeration and storage
facility. With such mobility, it becomes easy to reach out to as many clients as possible, hence
expanding your income cap.


The idea here is to identify and unearth opportunities as they come your way. Most importantly,
you should seek product differentiation strategy, as a way of creating a distinct mark in the cold room market

#Cold room #Blast freezer #HVAC